Carol Julia Kiehl Memorial Scholarship

Purpose: To assist students enrolled in the ACC Associate Degree of Nursing program who are re-careering or returning to school after a hiatus.

• Accepted into and enrolled in the ACC Associate Degree of Nursing program
• Scholarship essay should address seeking a degree in Nursing as a second career or returning to school after a hiatus. Also address the need for compassionate care when working with patients and their families
• Minimum 2.5 GPA overall
• Financial need (as determined by the ACC Financial Aid Office)

Terms of Scholarship:
1. Successfully complete the required semester hours in the Nursing curriculum with a 2.5 GPA
2. Scholarship must be used within one academic year
3. Re-application is required each year

Carol Julia Kiehl Memorial
$2,500 for tuition, fees, books and nursing essentials
Supplemental Questions
  1. Submit an essay that addresses seeking a degree in nursing as a second career or returning to school after a hiatus. Also address the need for compassionate care when working with patients and their families.